Synopsis -
Have you ever been in love? Truly, madly, deeply?
Only to lose it? Your tether suddenly snapped.
How broken can you become?
And how can you ever hope to piece yourself back together?
This is a love story.

Review -
Every once in a while, a book comes along that is almost impossible to pigeonhole given how different it is from anything you have ever read before. That is how I felt reading Cuckoo by M Ennenbach.
There will be times when you are confused or a little lost, as that is what tends to happen when you have a wholly unreliable narrator recounting the story as they see it. There are little clues contained within, though, that help you piece it all together.
This is a book that is going to be a difficult read for many, but it's one that you really need to stick with, as the ending will feel like an absolute gut punch.
Cuckoo is a blend of poetry, prose, and pain, all tossed into a pot and left to simmer on low until it inevitably burns and leaves an indelible mark. In short, it is a work of absolute genius.
Cuckoo releases on Sept 1 and can be pre-ordered HERE.
5 stars out of 5